Vegas, Here I come!

So I’m super excited and sad all at once. I’m going to Las Vegas for the first time this week, but I’m going without the hubby. 😦 😦 Seriously, this is not going to be cool!

However, he is letting me go to a show while I’m there and I CAN’T WAIT!!! I got a ticket for Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular and I just know it’s going to be fabulous. I’ve never seen it before.

I’m going to this Social Media conference, which I assume will be fantastic. I plan on eating some good food and enjoying my sweet room at the Wynn. Again, how fun will this be without Ollie?!

i’m going to miss my boys!

1 Comment

  1. AbbyJo said,

    March 4, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    Oh, girl…eat it up. I used to travel like this when I worked at the LLS. I hated Rand not being there but I had a ball and made lots of fun memories on my own. Focus on the fun and excitement and not the fact that he won’t be there. You will survive, I promise. Just don’t get remarried or gamble your life away in Vegas!

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